I Want My Kid Back: Treating Emotional Dysregulation is about children who have emotional responses that are poorly regulated, often manifesting in mood swings and explosive behavior. Dr. Kristin Russell, clinical psychologist, shares her family’s struggle to understand what caused her young son’s behavior and to correctly identify it as a biologically driven mental health issue. She and her husband share their journey to find effective treatment and their son, Thomas, provides insights into what growing up with dysregulation is like. Mothers with emotionally dysregulated children anonymously share the difficulty in understanding what is causing their child’s behavioral problems and the impact it has on their families. Dr. Renee Richker, child psychiatrist, presents educational information about the different diagnoses that represent emotional dysregulation. Professionals provide information into effective treatments, demonstrating the hope that exists for parents to successfully treat childhood mental illness.
WHAT IS Emotional Dysregulation?
Emotional Dysregulation is a term used to describe an emotional response that is poorly regulated and does not fall within what is usually considered an acceptable range of emotional reaction. For both adults and children, if emotional reactions are out of proportion to a situation, occur frequently, and last longer than is reasonably expected, daily functioning and/or relationship difficulties occur. Often this presents as prolonged outbursts, tantrums, or meltdowns with an inability to get control of one’s behavior.
While all of us can become dysregulated periodically, these incidents don’t interfere with day to day routines or relationships. Moreover, we can regain composure and problem solve. For kids who can’t regulate their emotions, problems can cause difficulties at school and/or with peers and family members.